Enzo Puzzovio - Renaissance Cittern
Enzo Puzzovio’s forthcoming album for Cetra Records will dip into the vast repertoire of Renaissance cittern music, from dance tunes to ballad tunes to high-art madrigal intabulations. Using both diatonic and chromatic citterns, these will be drawn from French, Flemish, German, Italian and English sources.
In Production - Available Fall 2025
Enzo Puzzovio’s forthcoming album for Cetra Records will dip into the vast repertoire of Renaissance cittern music, from dance tunes to ballad tunes to high-art madrigal intabulations. Using both diatonic and chromatic citterns, these will be drawn from French, Flemish, German, Italian and English sources.
In Production - Available Fall 2025
Enzo Puzzovio’s forthcoming album for Cetra Records will dip into the vast repertoire of Renaissance cittern music, from dance tunes to ballad tunes to high-art madrigal intabulations. Using both diatonic and chromatic citterns, these will be drawn from French, Flemish, German, Italian and English sources.
In Production - Available Fall 2025